Alina grew up a member of the Revelry of the Thorn, surrounded by a close-knit community of satyrs and centaurs dedicated to protecting the Feywild.
As a young satyr, Alina honed her love of nature and the Fey way of life, as well as a fierce loyalty to her tribe and her patron. Sharing the Revelers’ work hard/play hard attitude, she grew into a young adult whose delight in the simple pleasures of life is matched only by her skill at wielding deadly magical abilities to defend them. Now that she has come of age, she has enthusiastically embarked on her mission, and has been tasked with traveling Everest.
Shortly before the beginning of the campaign, Alina happened upon someone being attacked on the side of the road, and came to their rescue. This person turned out to be Billie Redthistle, who Alina managed to convince to learn more about the Revelry.
Now that Alina has joined the Wandering Hearts, she has found that those she idolized may be different than she had at first expected. She wrestles with this, and what it means for her duties and loyalty, as the party presses on.
Alina declines Billie's termination of their friendship.
Alina murders her own familiar.