Mosaic currently manages five teams of bounty hunters, with Mosaic Team 5 being the most recently founded. The company believes in bringing together "diverse operators with unique sets of experience" to create "a cohesive team of individual pieces." Payments to operators are based on bounties cleared, while the Mosaic company assumes responsibility for basic incidentals (fuel, ammunition, etc.)
Each team is led by a Mission Coordinator, like Peep the ysoki, Mission Coordinator for MT5, pictured left. They are responsible for tracking down bounties for their assigned team to complete, while gathering intel and coordinating supplies. The Mission Coordinator also connects their assigned team to the support services of Mosaic, LLC.
Mosaic has several non-operator departments that work from remote locations around the galaxy. These include: Sentient Resources, who work to process all personnel paperwork, and to help resolve issues between personnel; Public Image Management, a one-person department that helps shape Mosaic's image across media platforms while also attempting to secure sponsors for the company and individual teams; Facilities, which dispatches emergency ships to repair MT5 craft stranded in space; and Research and Development, a fledgling department looking to make its first hire in the coming weeks.
2031, the first strains of malaria-f (a malaria filovirus variant) created in a lab escaped, and began to rapidly infect the world. Climate change had already warmed the planet by two degrees fahrenheit, the Paris Accord’s goal some years ago. The shifts in environment plunged parts of the middle east, australia, and africa into heat-related draught and famine that displaced millions of refugees.
2050, 5.2 billion people lived with malaria-f or a variant. Wildfires raged out of control, burning five times as far in the draught-hit areas of the western united states. Out-of-control pollution saw the ozone smog increase across america by nearly 70% since the early 2020s.
2100, the population was shrinking as 2.5 billion people breathed in air above safe levels each day. Though many diseases had been cured, medical prices were out of range of many most effected by pollution, plague, famine, draught, and heat. Oceans have now risen ten feet over their 2020 averages, plunging a third of the world’s major cities, power plants, ports, navy bases, farmlands, and fisheries beneath the increasingly acidic seas. A Second Cold War begins as nations begin to isolate themselves, resource-hoarding aggressively. Many smaller countries merge into larger countries. The United States of America splits into the Western Commonwealth, the United States of America, and the Mighty Confederation of Free States.
2170, the Second Cold War ends as the global GDP collapses to less than 20% of current-day. The ultrawealthy corporations and individual interests accelerate investments in space as raw good shortages begin to hit even them. The Age of Exploration had begun! As humanity reached into it’s solar system and beyond, it established Waystations to refuel its ships as they travelled.
2180, first contact was established between the Jacynto Corporation and the Lashunta, a psychically-gifted race that belonged to the galactic community. At once, humanity joined something far larger: The Milky Way.
2185, the governments of the various nations and colonies formed a single government: the United Solari Republic, representing the people of the Solari system around their sun, Sol. With representatives now able to effectively diplomatize with other species and governments, humanity was finally exposed to drift drift technology.
2250, Mosaic, LLC hires its fifth team of bounty hunters, and assigns them the designation Shuttle Team Five. This is their story.
Check out the various corporations, militaries, and other factions of our Starfinder campaign!