Personnel File Abstract. E.C.C.O spent time as a private contractor for E.C.C.O Corporation's courier service, but through the use of the company's abusive lend-lease programs, E.C.C.O found themselves with substantial debt. This debt was purchased by the Mosaic LLC, for E.C.C.O to serve as a replacement for Vessyn on Mosaic Team 5.
Qualifications. While "only" a courier design, E.C.C.O features an unusual set of skills and components that make them uniquely suited for this work.
Background. Very little is known about E.C.C.O and their past.
Psychological Evaluation. Monitor situation closely, as a team dynamic is new for E.C.C.O and Mosaic Team 5 could strain the psyche of even a hardened veteran.
Age: 3
Height: 5'9"
Eye: Blue lenses
Hair: Brown/blue
Race: Android
Hometown: Unknown
Allies: Mosaic Team 5, E.C.C.O units
Foes: None
Favored Attack: ?
E.C.C.O speaks with the other android in the crew for the first time