Uncovered Backstory
Shae was taken in by the Xinyi as a very young girl; she does not remember much of her human parents. Shae's willingness to learn and apply that knowledge to help the community inspired Master Gambol Overbrook, a Xinyi monk, to encourage her acceptance into the order, despite being four years older than initiates tend to start. Quickly, Shae showed an aptitude for the martial forms of the Xinyi that surpassed many of those twice her age.
Shae grew up alongside the aarakocra Krawtic, who she considers a brother. She calls Gambol "uncle," and though the words do not leave her lips, if Shae were to have a mother, the mountain elf mystic Aera would be it. Together, the group of monks helped Shae channel an internal fury into mastery of forms that made her a lethal weapon in combat.
When Hylan was reported to slay hundreds of monks during a training exercise, scouts were scattered to the four corners of Dominion to search for her. Shae was sent to Port Quinn to investigated a series of grave robberies.
Over the course of the campaign, Shae has learned that her "infirm" grandfather, Joruxa, had his mind sealed away, causing his strange behavior, by his daughter, Aera. When Joruxa was freed from this influence, he took the reins of the 9th Path and committed unspeakable atrocities against the people of the North. Eventually, he sacrificed 30 Xinyi monks to open a portal the the demiplane Kalipsos, where the 9th Path escaped to.
After defeating Azrah's minions at the Abattoir of Salt, Aera and Hylan returned from Kalypsos to aid the Fatechangers in their fight. When the Burning Bastion was breached by the undead horde under Ziestriess' control, Shae held the narrow hallways with Aera and Hylan, allowing the Fatechangers to reach Ziestriess.
Age: 35 (does not physically age past 25)
Height: 5'4"
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Brown
Race: Human
Base of Operations: Xinyi Monastery of Yorn
Allies: Aera, Hylan, Gambol Overbrook, Krawtic, Brenna, Elanor, Meliora, Pericollo
Foes: Joruxa and the Ninth Path
Iconic Items: Staff of Twisted Fates, Xinyi Master Garb, Mask of the Red Hawk
On the streets of the "long lost" dwarven citadel of Kol Erasta, Shae squares off with one of the Thuldor, knocking them end over end down a massive staircase.
Shae dropkicks the first guard over the eaves on the Avenue of Everdusk as the group infiltrates the Jade Exchange.