Alanna played Elanor, a human swashbuckler in Adventures in Alberon (C1) and Mynka the genasi circle of stars druid in Courts of Everest (C2)
Cara plays E.C.C.O the android operative in Mosaic Team Five, and Billie the hexblood warlock/bard in Courts of Everest (C2)
Hannah played Brenna, a gnome barbarian/sorcerer in Adventures in Alberon (C1) and Alina the satyr warlock in Courts of Everest (C2)
Dan plays Bubbs, a Human Soldier, in Mosaic Team Five; he also played Oakfeld, the human ranger in Adventures in Alberon (C1)
Matt played Aca, the Elf Artificer, in Adventures in Alberon (C1); S.H.A.D.E, an Android Mechanic, on Mosaic Team Five; and Ori, human rogue inquisitive in Courts of Everest (C2)
Tina played Shae, a human monk, in Adventures in Alberon (C1), and Cheshire the elf bard in Courts of Everest (C2)